Solidity Developer

I code bots to simplify tasks and save you time. Then I put it together with a fantastic user experience.

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Hi, I'm Stephen. Nice to meet you.

Since beginning my journey as a developer nearly 2 years ago, I've created web scrapers, simple web pages, and full-stack web applications using mainly Python and JavaScript. I'm quietly confident, naturally curious, and perpetually working on improving my chops one problem at a time.

Web Scraping

I have experience building web scrapers for a variety of sites including: LinkedIn, UPS, and Ricochet.



Front-End Development

I enjoy building easy-to-use yet beautiful user experiences that will keep customers coming back for more.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React


I have a passion for Web3 development and have created my own NFT Collection and message board.


Python, Solidity

My Recent Work

Here are a few projects I've worked on recently.


NFT Collection built using React and Solidity. Deployed on Rinkeby blockchain.

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Simple message board Web3 application build using Solidity and React

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Contributor to React open source code. Submitted and merged a pull request to fix a bug within the eslint plugin.

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Simple bot to scrape LinkedIn for email addresses and output to excel file.

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Full-stack application for Karbon users to receive detailed timesheet summaries.

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Chrome Extension for salesmen using Ricochet to automatically answer incoming calls.

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Simple React & Redux application for users to do some breathwork.

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Simple calculator built using React

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